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2017 GILFAIR Talent Development Strategy
To create a safe and healthy workplace
● Safety, health and environmental protection are the prerequisites for all our work. We are committed to creating a safe, healthy and comfortable working environment for all employees, minimizing the possible impact on the environment
● Everyone participates in safety, encourages employees to discover security risks at any time, daily work and meetings are often published to discuss and share information on safety
● report and in-depth investigation and analysis of all accidents, share lessons with all employees, continue to focus on and continue to optimize the resources to improve
Talent introduction
● systematically employ more talented people than our own through rigorous scientific recruitment standards
● Cooperate with professional institutions to manage trainees in various districts
● performance is better than qualifications, ability to optimize education, both ability and political integrity
● long and long, people short
● people match, the right people to do the right thing
Talent training and development
● Provide staff training, training and online course training, improve the overall quality of staff
• Explore and develop reserve forces for all key functional positions
● Customize personal development plans for employees
● who can live, can be on the next, according to the distribution of contributions

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  • Enterprise strategic management is to determine the corporate mission, according to the external environment and internal business elements to determine business goals, to ensure the correct implementation of the objectives and make the enterprise mission can finally achieve a dynamic process.
    2017 Jiayao clear grasp of the overall situation, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of information to open and diversified way, effective grasp of the plan, improve the details of each job, so that each major goal of the task are fully achieved.


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