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2017 GILFAIR Talent Development Strategy

2017 GILFAIR Talent Development Strategy
To create a safe and healthy workplace
● Safety, health and environmental protection are the prerequisites for all our work. We are committed to creating a safe, healthy and comfortable working environment for all employees, minimizing the possible impact on the environment
● Everyone participates in safety, encourages employees to discover security risks at any time, daily work and meetings are often published to discuss and share information on safety
● report and in-depth investigation and analysis of all accidents, share lessons with all employees, continue to focus on and continue to optimize the resources to improve
Talent introduction
● systematically employ more talented people than our own through rigorous scientific recruitment standards
● Cooperate with professional institutions to manage trainees in various districts
● performance is better than qualifications, ability to optimize education, both ability and political integrity
● long and long, people short
● people match, the right people to do the right thing
Talent training and development
● Provide staff training, training and online course training, improve the overall quality of staff
• Explore and develop reserve forces for all key functional positions
● Customize personal development plans for employees
● who can live, can be on the next, according to the distribution of contributions


  • 86 750 6455 239mainland
  • 852 2388 1329Hong Kong